We all know how it feels to witness the never ending autum weather, constantly raining and the wind sweeps all the fallen leafs from beneath our feet. Heavy footsteps and heavy clothes are becoming to be the new norm, people around you starts to resemble the naked crowns of the mighty oak trees -naked and trembling by the cold weather.
A cold breeze of winter hits your face and your cheeks are becoming to be red and sore, making you wish that you would´ve grown that beard or that you should´ve recalled to grab that scarf on the shelf before heading out.
Even though autum makes some people feel depressed, you can not deny the beauty of a sunny autum day, the warmth from the sun and cold air from the wind, the smell of fallen leafs, mushrooms and the wet ground beneath. Some birds are singing the last song for the season - preparing for the long travel in search of warmer weather.
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The high sun from a lookout spot, offering a beautiful view of a valley with a river running through it. |
Finally the sun breaks free from the cover of rainy clouds, making it a perfect day to head out into the woods for some trail hiking and some autum photo-session, the cold fresh air with the warmth from the sun makes it perfect to make your way up to the look out spot, opening up for a view of the valley beneath - such a breath taking view.
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I think this is some Tremella mesenterica, but I´m not sure, we have 121 species in Sweden, 9 is red-listed. |
Found this wierd looking mushroom/fungi on a dead log, didn´t know what it was but I did recall seeing something similar in a book once and remembered that some of this jell-o looking mushrooms were edible. Had to look it up when I got back home and found out that we have 121 known species of Tremella in Sweden and 9 out of 121 is red-listed and there for in danger of extinction.
It´s amazing how much there is to be learnt just by leaving the sofa and go outdoors.
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Sunrays peeking through a pine forest, making for a beautiful scenary |
As we walked through the forest heading down to the river we went through a small area with pine trees in an otherwise forest consisting of beech and oak trees.
The sun sat low in the sky, making for some most beautiful shadow play on the mossy ground.
The sun sat low in the sky, making for some most beautiful shadow play on the mossy ground.
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Rutten stump by the riverside |
We continued to venture down into the valley and we stumbled across a friendly lady, whom warned us of the trail being under water in some areas, didn´t do me to much but sence I´d rather walk of trail anyways, but we thanked her for the concern and wished her goodluck!
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The river looks fierce, yet so impressive! |
As we walked by the river side, I couldn´t stop thinking about how nice it would be to try some light fly-fishing for some smaller fish, like perch or even smaller pike.
Might return this weekend or next week and try my luck!
Might return this weekend or next week and try my luck!
It´s pretty rare to catch some trout in the southern parts of Sweden, but it has reported catches of wild rainbow trouts in a river just a half hours drive from where I live
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Love to share the things I love with the one I love! |
So focused to not slip on the wet boards that she didn´t noticed me taking this photo but I love to see her taking part of my biggest passion, it makes me so happy to be able to share my love of nature with the one that I love.
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Boiled some tea using my Ikea bush stove, gonna make some adjustments to it, making it easier to feed the fire. |
As the sun started to set we made our way back to the campsite and I boiled us a cup of tea using my Ikea Bush Stove, this is a cheap and easy way to make your own stick-fire stove.
(I will modify it on side to make it easier to feed the fire with sticks without having to remove the pot above and there for reducing the time it takes to boil some water or cook food.)
It´s starting to get cold and day light is more precious than toilett paper in a out-house.
Don´t fear the darkness and the cold breeze of winter, embrace it and make use of it as much as you can, create memories, boil a cup of coffee or a cup of hot chocolate in the warm bosom of a campfire, alone or with those you love.
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